Wednesday, July 19, 2006


As we all know Superman Returns will be released in IMAX 3-D. It's advertised as the first live action feature shown in this format. The Polar Express was however released as "An IMAX 3D Experience" before Superman, alas it was purely Computer Generated Images, i.e. crap. On the other hand, Superman was filmed in 2-D and later converted in to 3-D. This means that half of the frames are created digitally which, technically speaking, makes it half "live action" and half CGI. Considering that most of this film, as most other Hollywood films (in a broader sense), is an orgy in CGI-action it leaves little place for so called "live action".
Read more about past attempts to lure people to the cinema with the promise to entertain the senses (article written in Swedish).

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