Most people generally regard George W. Bush as a slightly dim-witted person, he is after all of Swedish decent. Everyone knows that he is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and that he doesn't care about black people. But what people don't know of is the fact that he is also responsible for global warming. In the BBC documentary Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear the evildoing's of the Bush administration is revealed and it shows that George W. Bush is even more evil than previously thought.
British television has devoted a lot of thought to the global warming issue recently, one might call it; Climate Chaos Season. Sir David Attenborough has made a new series about it and he also appears in the Wildscreen festival opening debate entitled The Selfish Green. Another notable participant in the debate is Richard Dawkins (the author of "The Selfish Gene").
British television has devoted a lot of thought to the global warming issue recently, one might call it; Climate Chaos Season. Sir David Attenborough has made a new series about it and he also appears in the Wildscreen festival opening debate entitled The Selfish Green. Another notable participant in the debate is Richard Dawkins (the author of "The Selfish Gene").
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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